In affiliation with the Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Hospital

More Information on NCIA Services

Because of NCIA’s Preferred Provider Agreement with Cambridge Health Alliance, NCIA is able to refer clients for specialty services, including OBGYN, specialized trauma treatment, couples and family therapy, treatment for chronic diseaes (I.e., HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis) through the Norman E. Zinberg clinic, as well as Suboxone treatment, Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) treatment, and other treatment services.


Additional treatment services at NCIA include:  comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation; Care Planning;Crisis/ Safety Planning; a comprehensive Orientation that includes education on methadone and other medications for opioid use disorder, health issues including HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections, and information on treatment at NCIA; Take Home Methadone Medication; Opioid Overdose Prevention (NCIA also provides clients with NARCAN); services for Pregnant and Post-partum clients, including trimester appointments with our Nurse Practitioner (to receive prenatal education, discuss reproductive health provider/OBGYN appointments, and to address any referrals needed for supportive services), appointments with your assigned clinician to complete a Plan of Safe Care, and post-partum appointments with our Medical Director as needed; case management services and referrals; Family Involvement if you wish; Transition, Discharge, and AfterCare Planning; and other services.  





Program Sites and Hours of Operation


We have two treatment sites, both in Cambridge, MA.  


Our Administrative and Counseling Offices are at 54 Washburn Ave, which is where admission appointments, annuals, and in-person counseling take place (counseling is also available via Zoom or phone).  Hours of Operation are:  Monday through Thursday from 8:00am – 7:15pm (walk-in applications accepted from 8:00am - 4:00pm; after 4:00pm, an appointment is needed) and Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm (walk-in applications accepted from 8:00am – 2:00pm).  Our Phone Number is 617-661-5700.  Our Fax Number is:  617-868-4840.


Our Medication Clinic is at The Cambridge Hospital (for enrolled patients only), Line Street entrance.  Hours of Operation are:  Monday through Friday 6:00am – 9:00am and Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays from 8:30am – 10:30am.  In late March 2025, we will be opening an Evening Clinic Mondays through Thursdays from 5:00pm – 6:00pm.  Nursing Phone Number during clinic hours:  617-876-0823.


Clients are eligible to apply for take home medication after they are on a stable methadone dose, which is usually from 10 - 30 days after admission.  



If you are interested in becoming a client of NCIA, or wish to refer a friend or family member to NCIA:  please call us at (617) 661-5700 and ask for the Intake Coordinator.

Interested in Treatment at NCIA?

If you are interested in employment opportunities at NCIA please e-mail us at, call (617) 864-0941 or fax your resume to (617) 876-9760
