In affiliation with the Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Hospital
Research and Training Group: Our Research and Planning Group assists states’ substance abuse prevention and treatment activities by;
Bridge and Relapse Prevention Programs:
The Bridge Program is a link between homelessness and permanent housing for men who are recovering from substance abuse and/or dependency. Its goals are:
The Relapse Prevention Program is a substance abuse outreach program for men who are enrolled in the North Charles Bridge Program or the City of Cambridge Carey Transitional Housing Program
Tunefoolery Concert Ensembles: Tunefoolery was a program of the Cambridge/Somerville
Social Club which was able to continue after the club was defunded, The consumer
run group plays concerts throughout Massachusetts. Tunefoolery is now an independent
Cambridge Psychiatric Services (CPS): CPS is a wholly owned subsidiary of North Charles, Inc. It specializes in recruiting and matching Psychiatrists to the particular staffing requirements of hospitals, clinics and other mental healthcare providers.